
How to update pre 7.0 chart templates into the new 7.0 look

Have you refreshed your charts lately? You may have grown tired of the default look of past versions and you just want to quickly update your templates with something new without spending too much time. Using the latest version of our chart editing tool NetCharts Designer 7.0, you can quickly update older chart templates into […]

March 1, 2013
Design Approaches

Have you refreshed your charts lately? You may have grown tired of the default look of past versions and you just want to quickly update your templates with something new without spending too much time.

Using the latest version of our chart editing tool NetCharts Designer 7.0, you can quickly update older chart templates into the new default styling and look of version 7.0.

Updating a PieChart

  1. Open NetCharts Designer 7.0, import your old project and load your pre 7.0 chart template.
  2. Pie

    It may look something similar to the PieChart shown above.

  3. In the “Presentation” tab, highlight “Pie Chart”. On the right side inside the “General” box, locate the “Size” and change the defaults into 500×300.

  4. Still inside the “General” box, locate the “Default Colors”. In the dropdown, select “Standard”.

  5. Now highlight “Pie & Slices” and locate “Label Style” inside the “Label Appearance” box, and select “pielabelgrey”.

  6. Move the pointer slightly over to the “Pie” box, locate the “Drop Shadow” dropdown and set it to “gray”.

  7. Inside the “Pie” box, set “Pie Highlights” to “softhighlight”.

  8. Inside the “Pie” box, set “Pie Edge Highlights” to “softedge”.

  9. Inside the “Pie” box, set “Pie Spotlights” to “piespotlightcenter”.

  10. Finally, inside the “Slices” box, set “Slice Border” to “noline”.

  11. Pie_updatedTo7

You now have a Pie chart that has been updated to use the new default 7.0 styling.

Updating a ComboChart

  1. Open NetCharts Designer 7.0, import your old project and load your pre 7.0 chart template.

  2. Combo

    It may look something similar to the ComboChart shown above.

  3. In the “Presentation” tab, highlight “Combo Chart”. On the right side inside the “General” box locate the “Size” and change the defaults into 500×300.

  4. Still inside the “General” box, set the “Default Text Style” to “DefaultLabelFont”.

  5. Inside the “General” box, set “Default Colors” to “Standard”.

  6. Now expand “Bars & Lines” and highlight “Bar Sets”. Locate “Border” inside of the “Bars” box and set it to “noline”.

  7. Inside the “Bars” box, set “Corners” to “roundcorners”.

  8. Inside the “Bars” box, set “Drop Shadow” to “gray”.

  9. Inside the “Bars” box, set “Bar Highlights” to “horizontalhighlight”.

  10. Now highlight “Line Sets”. In the “Lines” box locate the “Drop Shadow” and set to “gray”.

  11. Inside the “Lines” box, set “Symbol Spotlights” to “linesymbolspotlight”.

  12. Inside the “Line Sets” box, set “Line” to “symbollinegraycircle”.

  13. Expand “Axes” and highlight “Left Axes”. Locate “Axis Line Color”, click on the black color box to open the color picker and select a light gray color. Repeat steps for “Major Tic Color” and “Minor Tic Color”.

  14. Highlight “Bottom Axes” and perform the same steps as was done to the “Left Axes”.

  15. Finally, highlight “Grids” and click the “New Grid” button and set “Grid Style” to “lightgreyhtranslucent”.

  16. Combo_updatedTo7

You now have a Combo chart that has been updated to use the new default 7.0 styling. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

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